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Storytelling about My Village


      I live in Martopuro village, Purwosari sub-district, Pasuruan district, East Java. In the village where I live, most of the area is dominated by settlements and rice fields.

    Rice field is land that is cultivated and 
irrigated for a place to grow rice. For this purpose, rice fields must be able to support standing water because rice requires inundation at certain periods of its growth. To irrigate rice fields, an irrigation system from springs, rivers or rainwater is used.
    The rice fields in my village are quite extensive, and there are quite a lot of people who make a living as farmers. in the rainy season like this rice grows very fertile. it is very profitable for the farmers
    SDG which is suitable for rice fields is SDG's number 15 which is LIFE ON LAND and SDG's number 17 which is PARTNERSHIP FOR THE GOALS. Working on the fields, including activities that love the environment. Working on the fields definitely requires the cooperation of several farmers for the same goal, namely harvesting.

    In my village there is also a corn field but usually corn plants are only planted during the dry season because corn plants do not need much water.
    Similar to rice fields, the SDG that corresponds to SDG number 15,namely LIFE ON LAND, because farming is a nature-loving behavior. Another SDG that is right is SDG number 17, namely the PARTNERSHIP FOR THE GOALS, where farmers work for the same goal.

   The rice fields definitely need a river to irrigate. A river is a large and elongated flow of water that flows continuously from upstream to downstream. In the river there is life such as fish and other aquatic animals.
    To maintain the river ecosystem system in order to stay good, we must not damage it. An example of things that can damage a river is throwing garbage in the river. If we keep the river ecosystem in good condition, then we will implement SDG number 14, which is LIFE BELOW WATER.



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